Source: ValidicMobile.js

 * @file
 * @copyright 2016 Motivation Science Inc., All Rights Reserved
 * This software is supplied to you by Motivation Science, Inc. (operating as "Validic") under terms of your
 * contract with Validic.  This software may not be shared or redistributed, in part or as a whole, except
 * as explicitly stated by contract with Validic.  This software is provided by Validic on an "as is" basis.  
 * Validic makes no warranties, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of 
 * non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding this Validic software 
 * or its use and operation alone or in combination with your products.  In no event shall Validic be liable 
 * for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement 
 * of substitute goods for services; loss of use, data or profits; or business interruption) arising in any 
 * way out of the use, reproduction, modification and/or distribution of the Validic software, however caused 
 * and whether under theory of contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, even if 
 * Validic has been advised of the possibility of such damage. 
// Object descriptions
 * @fileoverview Cordova plugin for the Validic Mobile library.
 * @typedef {Object} Peripheral
 * @property {number} ID - A unique identifer for a particular peripheral model.
 * @property {number} Type - The type of the peripheral, used to identify its function. {@link PeripheralType}
 * @property {string} Model - Model number of the peripheral.
 * @property {string} Manufacturer - Manufacturer name of the peripheral.
 * @property {string} PeripheralImageURL - URL for an image of the peripheral.
 * @typedef {Object} BluetoothPeripheral - Subtype of {@link Peripheral}. Adds the following additional properties
 * @property {boolean} RequiresPairing - Indicates if a peripheral model requires a Bluetooth pairing before it can be used.
 * @property {string} Instruction - Text to be presented to the user when is called.
 * @property {string} ReadingInstruction - Text to be presented to the user when the BLE.ON_READY_TO_READ event is received.
 * @property {string} PairingInstruction - Text to be presented to the user when BLE.pair is called.
 * @typedef {Object} Record
 * @property {string} activity_id - Unique ID generated by the orginal source.
 * @property {string} recordType - Type of record. This field not present on server. Added for use by Cordova plugin. Possible values
       are "biometrics", "diabetes", "weight", "routine", "nutrition", "fitness", "sleep".
 * @property {string} timestamp - Timestamp for the measurement set.
 * @property {string} source - The short name of the Validic integration that created the record (validicmobile).
 * @property {string} source_name - The display name of the Validic integration that created the record (ValidicMobile).
 * @property {string} original_source - The name of the peripheral manufacturer, for records sourced from HealthKit this will be 
 *     the name of the application that originally wrote the data to HealthKit.
 * @property {string} intermediary_source - The name of the library technology used to create the record 
 *     (eg "ValidicMobile Bluetooth", "ValidicMobile Apple Health").
 * @property {string} device - The model number of the peripheral, for records sourced from HealthKit this will be
 *     the bundle ID of the application that originally wrote the data to HealthKit.
 * @property {string} last_updated - Date and time when the measurement set was last updated.
 * @property {boolean} validated - Indicates the data you are receiving was generated using a device,
 *     opposed to being manually entered by a end user.
 * @property {string} _id - Record ID. Assigned after being upload to the server.
 * @property {Object} extras - Map of additional extra information.
 * @property {Object} media - Object containing URL to image associated with this record if any.
 * @typedef {Object} BiometricsRecord - Subtype of {@link Record}. Adds the following additional properties
 * @property {number} blood_calcium - The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL.
 * @property {number} blood_chromium - The value of the measured quantity in µg/L.
 * @property {number} blood_folic_acid - The value of the measured quantity in ng/mL.
 * @property {number} blood_magnesium - The value of the measured quantity mg/dL.
 * @property {number} blood_potassium - The value of the measured quantity in mEq/L.
 * @property {number} blood_sodium - The value of the measured quantity in mEq/L.
 * @property {number} blood_vitamin_b12 - The value of the measured quantity in pg/mL.
 * @property {number} blood_zinc - The value of the measured quantity in µg/dL.
 * @property {string} creatine_kinase - The value of the measured quantity in U/L.
 * @property {string} crp - The value of the measured quantity in mg/L.
 * @property {string} diastolic - The value of the measured quantity in mmHg.
 * @property {string} ferritin - The value of the measured quantity in ng/mL.
 * @property {string} hdl - The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL.
 * @property {string} hscrp - The value of the measured quantity in mg/L .
 * @property {string} il6 - The value of the measured quantity in pg/mL.
 * @property {string} ldl - The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL.
 * @property {string} resting_heartrate - The value of the measured quantity in bpm.
 * @property {string} systolic - The value of the measured quantity in mmHg.
 * @property {string} testosterone - The value of the measured quantity in ng/dL.
 * @property {string} total_cholesterol - The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL.
 * @property {string} tsh - The value of the measured quantity in mIU/L.
 * @property {string} uric_acid - The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL.
 * @property {string} vitamin_d - The value of the measured quantity in ng/mL.
 * @property {string} white_cell_count - The value of the measured quantity in cells/µL.
 * @property {string} spo2 - The value of the measured quantity in %.
 * @property {string} temperature - The value of the measured quantity in Celsius.
 * @typedef {Object} DiabetesRecord - Subtype of {@link Record}. Adds the following additional properties
 * @property {number} c_peptide - The value of the measured quantity in ng/mL.
 * @property {number} fasting_plasma_glucose_test - The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL.
 * @property {number} hba1c - The value of the measured quantity in %.
 * @property {number} insulin - The value of the measured quantity U.
 * @property {number} oral_glucose_tolerance_test - The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL.
 * @property {number} random_plasma_glucose_test - The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL.
 * @property {number} triglyceride - The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL.
 * @property {number} blood_glucose - The value of the measured quantity mg/dL.
 * @property {string} relationship_to_meal - The value of the measured quantity.
 * @typedef {Object} WeightRecord - Subtype of {@link Record}. Adds the following additional properties
 * @property {number} weight - The value of the measured quantity in kg.
 * @property {number} height - The value of the measured quantity in cm.
 * @property {number} free_mass - The value of the measured quantity in kg.
 * @property {number} fat_percent - The value of the measured quantity.
 * @property {number} mass_weight - The value of the measured quantity.
 * @property {number} bmi - The value of the measured quantity.
 * @typedef {Object} NutritionRecord - Subtype of {@link Record}. Adds the following additional properties
 * @property {number} calories - Calories consumed per food intake.
 * @property {number} carbohydrates - Grams of carbohydrates consumed.
 * @property {number} fat - Grams of fat consumed.
 * @property {number} fiber - Grams of fiber consumed.
 * @property {number} protein - Grams of protein consumed.
 * @property {number} sodium - Grams of sodium consumed.
 * @property {number} water - Grams of water consumed.
 * @property {number} meal - Meal consumed: Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner.
 * @typedef {Object} RoutineRecord - Subtype of {@link Record}. Adds the following additional properties
 * @property {number} steps - Number of steps taken during routine.
 * @property {number} distance - The value of the measured quantity in meters.
 * @property {number} floors - The value of the measured quantity.
 * @property {number} elevation - Elevation climbed in meters.
 * @property {number} calories_burned - Calories burned during fitness activity.
 * @typedef {Object} FitnessRecord - Subtype of {@link Record}. Adds the following additional properties
 * @property {string} type - Type of fitness activity: Walking, Running, Swimming, etc.
 * @property {string} intensity - Subjective intensity with which an activity was performed. 
 *     Examples are: low, medium, high. Returned as provided by source.
 * @property {string} start_time - Timestamp of when fitness activity started in ISO08601 format.
 * @property {number} distance - Distance in meters.
 * @property {number} duration - Duration of fitness activity in seconds.
 * @property {number} calories - Calories burned during fitness activity.
// Callback definitions and returned properties
// Covers both success and fail callbacks from BLE wrapped as events
 * @callback EventCallback
 * @property {string} event - Name of event to fire in the window.
 * @property {Object} payload - The payload of the event.
 * @property {number} payload.peripheralID - Id of the peripheral the event came from.
 * @property {Record} [payload.record] - Record returned by event.
 * @property {Record[]}  [payload.records] - Array of records returned by the event.
 * @property {string} [payload.error] - Error message returned by the event.
 * @callback HKCallback
 * @property {string} event - Name of event to fire in the window, 'validicOnHealthKitRecordsProcessed'
 * @property {Object} payload - The payload of the event.
 * @property {number} payload.recordType - Value of ValidicMobile.RecordType indicating type of
 * records processed.
 * @property {number} payload.count - Number of records processed.
 * @callback HKHistoricalFetchCallback
 * @property {string} {RecordType} - Number of records fetched of type ValidicMobile.RecordType. The property name is a string
 *     containing the numeric value from ValidicMobile.RecordType.
 * SHealth permission change handler.
 * @callback PermissionChangeHandler
 * @property {DataType[]} accepted - An array of accepted {@link DataType}.
 * @property {DataType[]} denied - An array of denied {@link DataType}.
 * SHealth handler for records gathered by Shealth 
 * @callback SHealthRecordsHandler
 * @param {Object} summary - A dictionary of how many records were collected by SHealth keyed by {@link RecordType}
 * SHealth error function
 * @callback SHealthErrorHandler
 * @property {SHealthError} error - The error returned by SHealth
 * SHealth History handler
 * @typedef SHealthHistoryHandler
 * @property {Object} summary - a dictionary of how many records were collected by SHealth and keyed by {@link RecordType}
 * SHealth listeners for successful events 
 * @typedef SHealthHandlers
 * @property {PermissionChangeHandler} onPermissionChanged
 * @property {SHealthRecordsHandler} onSHealthRecords
 * @property {SHealthErrorHandler} onSHealthError
 * @property {SHealthHistoryHandler} onSHealthHistory
 * Generic callback indicating feature availability.
 * @callback AvailableCallback
 * @property {boolean} isAvailable - True for is available, false for not
 * Callback with a list of peripherals.
 * @callback PeripheralsOfTypeCallback
 * @property {Peripheral[]} peripherals - List of {@link Peripheral}s returned.
 * @property {number} type - Type of peripheral requested. 
 * Callback with a list of peripherals.
 * @callback PeripheralsCallback
 * @property {Peripheral[]} peripherals - List of peripherals returned.
 * Callback with a single peripheral.
 * @callback PeripheralCallback
 * @property {Peripheral} peripheral - Returned peripheral.
 * @callback InvalidIDCallback
 * @property {string} error - The String representation of the error that occured.
 * @property {number} [peripheralID] - The peripheral that the error occured with.
 * @callback InvalidTypeCallback
 * @property {string} error - The String representation of the error that occured.
 * @property {number} type - The peripheral type that the error is related to.
 * Callback response from BLE.inProgress.
 * @callback InProgressCallback
 * @property {boolean} inProgress - Indicates if BLE operation is currently in progress.
 * Callback response from BLE.getPassiveReadPeripheralIDs
 * @callback getPassiveReadPeripheralIDsCallback
 * @property {number[]} peripheralIDs - Array of peripheral IDs that are currently being passively read.
 * Callback for Passive Bluetooth callbacks
 * @callback PassiveBluetoothCallback
 * @property event - Name of the event being returned
 * @property payload - payload of the event
 * @property {number} payload.peripheralID - Id of the peripheral the callback event is related to
 * @property {Record[]} payload.records - Records returned by the passive bluetooth manager
 * @property {string} payload.error - error returned from the passive read failure
 * @
// OCR related callbacks - responses
 * Callback response from
 * @callback OCRReadCallback
 * @property {number} peripheralID - ID of the peripheral which was read.
 * @property {object} record - Record scanned by OCR process.
 * @property {string} image - Base 64 encoded string representation of the image who's values were read.
// FailCallback for fail case
 * Fail callback
 * @callback FailCallback
 * @property {string} error - Message describing the error.
// HealthKit related responses
 * Callback response from HealthKit.getSubscriptions
 * @callback HKSampleTypesCallback
 * @property {string[]} sampleTypes - Array of strings representing HealthKit sample types. Values match 
 * constants defined in ValidicMobile.HealthKit.SampleType.
 * Callback response from HealthKit.setSubscriptions
 * @callback HKSetSubscriptionsCallback
 * @property {string[]}  unknownIdentifiers - Array of strings representing HealthKit sample types which
 * could not be subscribed to.
 * Callback response from availability checks
 * @callback AvailableCallback
 * @property {boolean} isAvailable - Indicates if the requested service is available.
 * Callback for data type requests
 * @callback DataTypeCallback
 * @property {string[]} dataTypes - Array of strings representing SHealth data types associated with a subscription set
 * Callback response to obtain version information.
 * @callback VersionCallback
 * @property {string} version - Version number of the native Validic Mobile library the plugin is using.
 * Callback response checking if service is active.
 * @callback IsActiveCallback
 * @property {boolean} isActive - Indicates if the requested service is active.
 * Records returned from read operations include a record type value. Records submitted to the session
 * requires the record type property to be set to one of these values.
 * @enum {string}
exports.RecordTypeString = {
    BIOMETRICS: "biometrics",
    DIABETES: "diabetes",
    WEIGHT: "weight",
    ROUTINE: "routine",
    NUTRITION: "nutrition",
    FITNESS: "fitness",
    SLEEP: "sleep"

 * For use with HealthKit.getSampleTypesForRecordType
 * @enum {number}
exports.RecordType = {
    NONE: 0,
    DIABETES: 2,
    WEIGHT: 3,
    ROUTINE: 4,
    FITNESS: 6,
    SLEEP: 7
 *  @enum {number}
exports.PeripheralType = {
    NONE: 0,
    HEART_RATE: 3,
    GLUCOSE: 4,

* Used for setting units for ocr.
* @enum {string}
exports.GlucoseUnits = {
    MGDL: "mg/dL",
    MMOLL: "mmol/L"

var exec = require('cordova/exec');

// Default event handler, callback for all listeners, posts window event
var eventHandler = function (event) {
    console.log("Event handler " + JSON.stringify(event));
    if (event.hasOwnProperty("event")) {
        cordova.fireWindowEvent(event.event, event.payload);
var isInitialized = false;

var initializeListeners = function() {
    if (!isInitialized) {
        // Register default event listeners
        exec(eventHandler, eventHandler, "ValidicMobile", "BLE_setBluetoothPassiveListener", []);
        exec(eventHandler, eventHandler, "ValidicMobile", "setSessionListener", []);
        exec(eventHandler, eventHandler, "ValidicMobile", "setHealthKitListener", []);
        exec(eventHandler, eventHandler, "ValidicMobile", "setSHealthListener", []);
        isInitialized = true;
document.addEventListener('deviceReady', initializeListeners);

 * @exports BLE
 * Represents Validic Bluetooth functionality
 * */
exports.BLE = {

     * Callback response checking if service is active.
     * @callback IsActiveCallback
     * @property {boolean} isActive - Indicates if the requested service is active.
     * Bluetooth event names that can be subscribed to for using window.addEventListener to receive bluetooth events.
     * @enum {string}
    EventName: {
        ON_PAIR_SUCCESS: "validicOnPairSuccessful",
        ON_PAIR_FAIL: "validicOnPairFailed",
        ON_PAIR_START: "validicOnPairingStarted",
        ON_READ_SUCCESS: "validicOnReadSuccessful",
        ON_READ_FAIL: "validicOnReadFailed",
        ON_READY_TO_READ: "validicOnReadyToRead",
        ON_READ_CANCEL: "validicOnReadCancelled",
        ON_PASSIVE_DID_READ: "validicOnBluetoothPassiveDidRead",
        ON_PASSIVE_DID_FAIL: "validicOnBluetoothPassiveDidFail",
        ON_PASSIVE_DID_CANCEL: "validicOnBluetoothPassiveDidCancel",
        ON_PASSIVE_READY_TO_READ: "validicOnBluetoothPassiveIsReadyToRead"

     * Gets an array of supported peripherals for use with bluetooth.
     * @param {PeripheralsCallback} success - Callback function containing an array of peripheral devices.
    getSupportedPeripherals: function(success) {
        exec(success, null, "ValidicMobile", "BLE_getSupportedPeripherals", []);
     * Gets an array of supported peripherals matching a peripheral type.
     * @param {number} type - Type of peripheral to return list for. See ValidicMobile.PeripheralType.
     * @param {PeripheralsOfTypeCallback} success -  Callback function containing an array of all peripherals matching given type.
     * @param {FailCallback} error callback function indicating invalid type.
     * */
    getPeripheralsOfType: function(type, success, error) {
        exec(success, error, "ValidicMobile", "BLE_getPeripheralsOfType", [type]);
     * Gets information about a peripheral with a given id.
     * @param {number} id - Id of peripheral to retrieve information about.
     * @param {PeripheralCallback} success - Callback function including peripheral information.
     * @param {FailCallback} error - Callback function indicating an error trying to receive info about peripheral or if id is not an integer.
    getPeripheral: function(id, success, error) {
        exec(success, error, "ValidicMobile", "BLE_getPeripheral", [id]);
     * Pairs a bluetooth device.
     * @param id {number} id of the device to pair with.
     * @param {EventCallback} success - All bluetooth pair success methods flow through this callback.
     * @param {EventCallback} fail - All bluetooth pair failure/cancel methods flow through this callback.
    pair: function(id, success, fail) {
        var successful = function(obj) {
            if (success != null && success != 'undefined') {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty("event")) {
                cordova.fireWindowEvent(obj.event, obj.payload);
        var error = function(obj) {
            if (fail != null && fail != 'undefined') {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty("event")) {
                cordova.fireWindowEvent(obj.event, obj.payload);
        exec(successful, error, "ValidicMobile", "BLE_pair", [id]);
     * Reads from a paired bluetooth device.
     * @param {number} id - Peripheral Id to read from.
     * @param {EventCallback} success - All bluetooth read success callbacks flow through this callback.
     * @param {EventCallback} fail - All bluetooth read fail and cancel callbacks flow through this callback.
    read: function(id, success, fail) {
        var successful = function(obj) {
            if (success != null && success != 'undefined') {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty("event")) {
                cordova.fireWindowEvent(obj.event, obj.payload);
        var error = function(obj) {
            if (fail != null && fail != 'undefined') {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty("event")) {
                cordova.fireWindowEvent(obj.event, obj.payload);
        exec(successful, error, "ValidicMobile", "BLE_read", [id]);
     *  Cancels a bluetooth reading or pairing. Listeners should receive an onReadCancel event after cancelling
     *  reading or pairing.
    cancel: function() {
        exec(null, null, "ValidicMobile", "BLE_cancel", []);
     * Indicates a reading is being taken from a paired peripheral.
     * @param {InProgressCallback} success - Callback containing a boolean value containing true when a reading is being taken, otherwise false.
    isInProgress: function(success) {
        exec(success, null, "ValidicMobile", "BLE_inProgress", []);
     * Set list of Bluetooth peripheral IDs which should be passively read. Once set, the library will listen for and read from
     * these devices when the app is in foreground or background. 
     * To stop passive Bluetooth read, pass an empty array of IDs or null.
     * @param {Number[]} params - Array of peripheral IDs to passively read from.
     * @param {Object} success - 
     * @param {FailCallback} error - Invalid parameters were given.
    setPassiveReadPeripheralIDs: function(params, success, error) {
        exec(success, error, "ValidicMobile", "BLE_setPassiveReadPeripheralIDs", [params]);
     * @param {getPassiveReadPeripheralIDsCallback} success - Response containing array of currently subscribed sample types.
    getPassiveReadPeripheralIDs: function(success) {
        exec(success, null, "ValidicMobile", "BLE_getPassiveReadPeripheralIDs", []);
     * Registers listener for passive bluetooth read events. It is recommended to use event listeners instead.
     * @param {PassiveBluetoothCallback} success - Function invoked when passive bluetooth records have been processed and submitted
     *   or when peripheral becomes ready to read.
     * @param {PassiveBluetoothCallback} fail - Function invoked when passive bluetooth read is attempted but fails.
    setBluetoothPassiveListener: function(success, fail) {
        var successful = function(obj) {
            if (success != null && success != 'undefined') {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty("event")) {
                cordova.fireWindowEvent(obj.event, obj.payload);
        var error = function(obj) {
            if (fail != null && fail != 'undefined') {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty("event")) {
                cordova.fireWindowEvent(obj.event, obj.payload);
        exec(successful, error, "ValidicMobile", "BLE_setBluetoothPassiveListener", []);

 * @exports OCR
 * Represents Validic OCR functionality.
exports.OCR = {

     * Gets an array of supported peripherals for use with OCR.
     * @param {PeripheralsCallback} success - Callback function containing an array of peripheral devices.
    getSupportedPeripherals: function(success) {
        exec(success, null, "ValidicMobile", "OCR_getSupportedPeripherals", []);
     * Gets an array of supported peripherals matching a given type.
     * @param {number} type - Peripheral Type.
     * @param {PeripheralsCallback} success - Callback function containing an array of all peripherals matching given type.
     * @param {FailCallback} error - Callback function indicating invalid type.
    getPeripheralsOfType: function(type, success, error) {
        exec(success, error, "ValidicMobile", "OCR_getPeripheralsOfType", [type]);
     * Gets information on a supported peripheral with a given id.
     * @param {number} id - Peripheral ID.
     * @param {PeripheralsCallback} success callback function containing the peripheral's information.
     * @param {FailCallback} error callback function with a n error message indicating failure reason.
    getPeripheral: function(id, success, error) {
        exec(success, error, "ValidicMobile", "OCR_getPeripheral", [id]);
     * Launches the OCR view to take a reading.
     * @param {number} id - Id of peripheral to take a reading from.
     * @param {OCRReadCallback} success Callback indicates the capture screen was loaded successfully.
     * @param {FailCallback} error - Indicates the capture screen was not loaded successfully. Includes failure reason in message.
    read: function(id, success, error) {
        exec(success, error, "ValidicMobile", "OCR_read", [id]);

     * Launches the OCR view to take a reading that is displayed in the provided unit.
     * @param {number} id - Id of peripheral to take a reading from.
     * @param {GlucoseUnit} unit - The unit that the device is displaying in.
     * @param {OCRReadCallback} success Callback indicates the capture screen was loaded successfully.
     * @param {FailCallback} error - Indicates the capture screen was not loaded successfully. Includes failure reason in message.
    readWithGlucoseUnit: function(id, unit, success, error) {
        exec(success, error, "ValidicMobile", "OCR_read", [id, unit])
 * @exports HealthKit
 * Represents Validic HealthKit functionality.
exports.HealthKit = {
     * @param {string[]} params - Array of Strings which map to sample types. See {@link HealthKit.SampleType}
     * @param {HKSetSubscriptionsCallback} success - Subscriptions were set successfully
     * @param {FailCallback} error - Invalid parameters were given
    setSubscriptions: function(params, success, error) {
        exec(success, error, "ValidicMobile", "setHealthKitSubscriptions", [params]);

     * @param {HKSampleTypesCallback} success - Response containing array of currently subscribed sample types.
    getSubscriptions: function(success) {
        exec(success, null, "ValidicMobile", "subscriptions", []);
     * Indicates the availability of HealthKit
     * @param {AvailableCallback} callback - Callback function including whether healthkit is available for the platform
     *     the application is running on. For Android and iPad this callback will always contain {isAvailable: false}
    isHealthKitAvailable: function(callback) {
        exec(callback, null, "ValidicMobile", "isHealthKitAvailable", []);
     * Initiate new queries against HealthKit.
    fetchLatestData: function(success) {
        exec(success, null, "ValidicMobile", "fetchLatestData", []);
      * Fetch historical data for the specified sets. 
      * @param {HistoricalSet[]} historicalSets - Array of HistoricalSet values indicating information to retrieve
      * @param {HKHistoricalFetchCallback} success - Response containing count of records for each record type keyed by
            record type values from ValidicMobile.RecordType.
      * @param {FailCallback} error - Error response if invalid historical sets are provided.
    fetchHistoricalSets: function(historicalSets, success, error) {
        exec(success, error, "ValidicMobile", "fetchHistoricalSets", [historicalSets]);
     * Returns sample types associated with a subscription set. See ValidicMobile library documentation for description of sets.
     * @param {SubscriptionSet} subscriptionSetID - String representing one of the available subscription sets from SubscriptionSet.
     * @param {HKSampleTypesCallback} success - Response containing array of sample types for given subscription set.
     * @param {FailCallback} error - Error response if invalid subscription set provided.
    getSampleTypesForSubscriptionSet: function(subscriptionSetID, success, error) {
        exec(success, error, "ValidicMobile", "sampleTypesForSubscriptionSet", [subscriptionSetID]);
     * Returns sample types associated with a record type.
     * @deprecated getSampleTypesForRecordType is deprecated, please use getSampleTypesForSubscriptionSet instead.
     * @param {RecordType} recordType - Number representing one of the available record types from RecordType.
     * @param {HKSampleTypesCallback} success - Response containing array of sample types for given record type.
     * @param {FailCallback} error - Error response is invalid subscription set provided.
    getSampleTypesForRecordType: function(recordType, success, error) {
        console.warn("getSampleTypesForRecordType is deprecated, please use getSampleTypesForSubscriptionSet instead.")
        exec(success, error, "ValidicMobile", "sampleTypesForRecordType", [recordType]);
     * Registers listener for HealthKit records processed event. It is recommended to use event listeners instead.
     * @param {HKCallback} success - Function invoked when HealthKit records have been processed and submitted.
    setHealthKitListener: function(success) {
        var successful = function(obj) {
            if (success != null && success != 'undefined') {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty("event")) {
                cordova.fireWindowEvent(obj.event, obj.payload);
        exec(successful, null, "ValidicMobile", "setHealthKitListener", []);
     * @enum {string} HealthKit record processed event name.
    EventName: {
        ON_HEALTHKIT_RECORD_PROCESSED: "validicOnHealthKitRecordsProcessed"
     * Identifiers for available subscription sets.
     * @enum {number}
    SubscriptionSet: {
        ROUTINE: 0,
        DIABETES: 1,
        WEIGHT: 2,
        FITNESS: 3,
        SLEEP: 4,
        BIOMETRICS: 7

     * Identifiers for available historical fetch sets.
     * @enum {string}
    HistoricalSet: {
        ROUTINE: "routine",
        FITNESS: "fitness"

        String constants representing HealthKit sample types.
        @enum {string}
    SampleType: {
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyMassIndex: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyMassIndex",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyFatPercentage: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyFatPercentage",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierHeight: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierHeight",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyMass: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyMass",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierLeanBodyMass: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierLeanBodyMass",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierStepCount: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierStepCount",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDistanceWalkingRunning: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDistanceWalkingRunning",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDistanceCycling: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDistanceCycling",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBasalEnergyBurned: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBasalEnergyBurned",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierActiveEnergyBurned: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierActiveEnergyBurned",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierFlightsClimbed: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierFlightsClimbed",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierNikeFuel: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierNikeFuel",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierAppleExerciseTime: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierAppleExerciseTime",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierHeartRate: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierHeartRate",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyTemperature: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyTemperature",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBasalBodyTemperature: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBasalBodyTemperature",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBloodPressureSystolic: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBloodPressureSystolic",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBloodPressureDiastolic: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBloodPressureDiastolic",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierRespiratoryRate: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierRespiratoryRate",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierOxygenSaturation: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierOxygenSaturation",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierPeripheralPerfusionIndex: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierPeripheralPerfusionIndex",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBloodGlucose: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBloodGlucose",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierNumberOfTimesFallen: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierNumberOfTimesFallen",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierElectrodermalActivity: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierElectrodermalActivity",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierInhalerUsage: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierInhalerUsage",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBloodAlcoholContent: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBloodAlcoholContent",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierForcedVitalCapacity: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierForcedVitalCapacity",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierForcedExpiratoryVolume1: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierForcedExpiratoryVolume1",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierPeakExpiratoryFlowRate: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierPeakExpiratoryFlowRate",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFatTotal: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFatTotal",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFatPolyunsaturated: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFatPolyunsaturated",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFatMonounsaturated: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFatMonounsaturated",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFatSaturated: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFatSaturated",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCholesterol: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCholesterol",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietarySodium: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietarySodium",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCarbohydrates: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCarbohydrates",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFiber: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFiber",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietarySugar: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietarySugar",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryEnergyConsumed: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryEnergyConsumed",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryProtein: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryProtein",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminA: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminA",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminB6: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminB6",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminB12: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminB12",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminC: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminC",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminD: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminD",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminE: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminE",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminK: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminK",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCalcium: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCalcium",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryIron: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryIron",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryThiamin: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryThiamin",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryRiboflavin: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryRiboflavin",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryNiacin: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryNiacin",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFolate: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFolate",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryBiotin: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryBiotin",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryPantothenicAcid: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryPantothenicAcid",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryPhosphorus: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryPhosphorus",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryIodine: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryIodine",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryMagnesium: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryMagnesium",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryZinc: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryZinc",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietarySelenium: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietarySelenium",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCopper: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCopper",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryManganese: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryManganese",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryChromium: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryChromium",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryMolybdenum: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryMolybdenum",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryChloride: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryChloride",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryPotassium: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryPotassium",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCaffeine: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCaffeine",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryWater: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryWater",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierUVExposure: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierUVExposure",
        HKCategoryTypeIdentifierSleepAnalysis: "HKCategoryTypeIdentifierSleepAnalysis",
        HKCategoryTypeIdentifierAppleStandHour: "HKCategoryTypeIdentifierAppleStandHour",
        HKCategoryTypeIdentifierCervicalMucusQuality: "HKCategoryTypeIdentifierCervicalMucusQuality",
        HKCategoryTypeIdentifierOvulationTestResult: "HKCategoryTypeIdentifierOvulationTestResult",
        HKCategoryTypeIdentifierMenstrualFlow: "HKCategoryTypeIdentifierMenstrualFlow",
        HKCategoryTypeIdentifierIntermenstrualBleeding: "HKCategoryTypeIdentifierIntermenstrualBleeding",
        HKCategoryTypeIdentifierSexualActivity: "HKCategoryTypeIdentifierSexualActivity",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierPushCount: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierPushCount",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDistanceWheelchair: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDistanceWheelchair",
        HKCategoryTypeIdentifierMindfulSession: "HKCategoryTypeIdentifierMindfulSession",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierSwimmingStrokeCount: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierSwimmingStrokeCount",
        HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDistanceSwimming: "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDistanceSwimming",
        HKCorrelationTypeIdentifierBloodPressure: "HKCorrelationTypeIdentifierBloodPressure",
        HKCorrelationTypeIdentifierFood: "HKCorrelationTypeIdentifierFood",
        HKWorkoutTypeIdentifier: "HKWorkoutTypeIdentifier"

 * @exports SHealth
 * Represents Validic Mobile's Samsung SHealth Functionality.
exports.SHealth = {
     * Checks whether this device is an Android device and if SHealth is installed.
     * @param {AvailableCallback} callback
    isSHealthAvailable: function(callback) {
        exec(callback, null, "ValidicMobile", "isSHealthAvailable", []);
     * Starts the SHealth Service if it is not already started. It will report back gathered permissions through
     * onPermissionChanged with a {@link PermissionChangeHandler} or OnPermission error with an {@link SHealthError}.
    observeCurrentSubscriptions: function() {
        exec(null, null, "ValidicMobile", "observeSHealthSubscriptions", []);
     * Add an array of {@link SubscriptionSet} values to receive records through SHealth for.
     * @param {SubscriptionSet[]} subscriptionSet
    addSubscriptionSets: function(subscriptionSet) {
        exec(null, null, "ValidicMobile", "addSHealthSubscriptionSets", [subscriptionSet]);
     * Add an array of {@link DataType} values to receive records through SHealth for.
     * @param {DataType[]} dataTypes - An array of DataType to add a subscription for to receive records through SHealth.
    addSubscriptions: function(dataTypes) {
        exec(null, null, "ValidicMobile", "addSHealthSubscriptions", [dataTypes]);
     * Remove subscriptions to a group of {@link DataType} from SHealth.
     * @param {DataType[]} dataTypes
    removeSubscriptions: function(dataTypes) {
        exec(null, null, "ValidicMobile", "removeSHealthSubscriptions", [dataTypes]);
     * Remove an array of {@link SubscriptionSet} values from SHealth.
     * @param subscriptionSets
    removeSubscriptionSets: function(subscriptionSets) {
        exec(null, null, "ValidicMobile", "removeSHealthSubscriptionSets", [subscriptionSets]);

     * Set a listener for SHealth events from SHealth.
     * @param {SHealthHandlers} listeners - Callbacks for events from SHealth
    setSHealthListener: function(listeners) {
        var successful = function(obj) {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty("event")) {
                cordova.fireWindowEvent(obj.event, obj.payload);
                if (obj.event == ValidicMobile.SHealth.EventName.ON_SHEALTH_PERMISSIONS) {
                    if (listeners != null && listeners.hasOwnProperty("onPermissionChanged")) {
                } else if (obj.event == ValidicMobile.SHealth.EventName.ON_SHEALTH_RECORDS && listeners != null && listeners.hasOwnProperty("onSHealthRecords")) {
                } else if (obj.event == ValidicMobile.SHealth.EventName.ON_SHEALTH_HISTORY && listeners != null && listeners.hasOwnProperty('onSHealthHistory')) {

        var error = function(obj) {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty("event")) {
                cordova.fireWindowEvent(obj.event, obj.payload);
                if (obj.event == ValidicMobile.SHealth.EventName.ON_SHEALTH_ERROR) {
                    if (listeners != null && listeners.hasOwnProperty("onSHealthError")) {
        exec(successful, error, "ValidicMobile", "setSHealthListener", []);

     * @deprecated 
     * use {@link setSHealthListener}
     * Error callback for SHealth. Overload this function to receive notifications for SHealth Permission Errors.
     * @param {SHealthError} err - Error from SHealth.
    onPermissionError: function(err) {},

     * @deprecated
     * use {@link setSHealthListener}
     * Success callback for SHealth. Overload this function to receive notifications for SHealth Permission changes.
     * @param {PermissionChangeHandler} obj - Callback with gathered permissions.
    onPermissionChanged: function(obj) {


     * Returns the set of {@link #DataType} associated with a {@link #SubscriptionSet}
     * @param {SubscriptionSet} - set - The subscription set to return data types for
     * @param {DataTypeCallback} - success - The success callback for returning the array of datatypes
     * @param {FailCallback} - err - The error callback
    getSubscriptionsFromSet: function(set, success, err) {
        exec(success, err, "ValidicMobile", "getSubscriptionDataTypes", [set]);
     * @param {HistoricalSet[]} historicalSets - Array of {@link HistoricalSet} to pull 6 months of history from SHealth. Currently only
     * {@link HistoricalSet.ROUTINE} and {@link HistoricalSet.FITNESS} are supported. If a listener has been set using 
     * {@link SHealth.setSHealthListener} a summary will be returned for any records pulled from history. 
    fetchHistoricalSets: function(historicalSets) {
        exec(null, null, "ValidicMobile", "fetchHistory", [historicalSets]);
    * The window event names for events generated by SHealth
    * @enum {string}
    EventName: {
        ON_SHEALTH_PERMISSIONS: "validicOnSHealthPermissions",
        ON_SHEALTH_ERROR: "validicOnSHealthError",
        ON_SHEALTH_RECORDS: "validicOnSHealthRecords",
        ON_SHEALTH_HISTORY: "validicOnSHealthHistory"
     * Each Subscription set is a collection of SHealth DataType that when used add subscriptions for multiple DataTypes.
     * @enum {number}
    SubscriptionSet: {
        ROUTINE: 0,
        DIABETES: 1,
        WEIGHT: 2,
        FITNESS: 3,
        SLEEP: 4,
        NUTRITION: 5,
     * Each Historical set is a collection of SHealth DataType that is used to fetch 6 months of corresponding data from SHealth.
     * @enum {string}
    HistoricalSet: {
     * Represents the SHealth HealthConstants string representation.
     * @enum {string}
    DataType: {
        DAILY_STEP_COUNT: "",
        BLOOD_PRESSURE: "",
        TEMPERATURE: "",
        HEART_RATE: "",
        SPO2: "",
        GLUCOSE: "",
        HBA1C: "",
        WEIGHT: "",
        FOOD_INFO: "",
        FOOD_INTAKE: "",
        WATER_INTAKE: "",
        CAFFEINE_INTAKE: "",
        EXERCISE: "",
        SLEEP: "",
        SLEEP_STAGE: ""


     * The SHealth errors that can be reported through {@link onPermissionError}.
     * @enum {string}
    SHealthError: {


/** @exports Session
 * Represents a users session.
exports.Session = {
     * @enum {string}
    EventName: {
        ON_RECORD_SUBMIT: "validicOnRecordSubmitted",
        ON_RECORD_SUBMIT_FAIL: "validicOnRecordSubmitFailed"

     * Starts a session with a User's credentials.
     * @param {string} userId - Id of the user.
     * @param {string} orgId - Organization Id.
     * @param {string} accessToken - Security Access Token.
     * @param {function} success - Callback. No parameters passed.
     * @param {FailCallback} fail - Callback if parameters are invalid types or are missing. This function does
     * NOT verify that the credentials are valid. 
    startSession: function(userId, orgId, accessToken, success, fail) {
        exec(success, fail, "ValidicMobile", "startSession", [userId, orgId, accessToken]);

     * Ends a user's session
     * @param {Callback} success - Callback function indicating method invoked.
    endSession: function(success) {
        exec(success, null, "ValidicMobile", "endSession", []);

     * Registers listeners for record upload success and failure callbacks. It is recommended to use event listeners instead.
     * @param {EventCallback} success - Function invoked for each record successfully uploaded to the server. The uploaded
     *     record is included in the payload.
     * @param {EventCallback} fail - Callback invoked for each record which experiences a non-recoverable upload error.
    setSessionListener: function(success, fail) {
        var successful = function(obj) {
            if (success != null && success != 'undefined') {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty("event")) {
                cordova.fireWindowEvent(obj.event, obj.payload);
        var error = function(obj) {
            if (fail != null && fail != 'undefined') {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty("event")) {
                cordova.fireWindowEvent(obj.event, obj.payload);
        exec(successful, error, "ValidicMobile", "setSessionListener", []);

     * Submits a record to the validic backend
     * @param {Record} record - Record to upload.
     * @param {string} [img] - Base64 encoded image associated with a record.
     * @param {function} successValidate - Invoked on successful submission (not upload).
     * @param {FailCallback} errorValidate - Invoked on invalid record or other record submission issues.
    submitRecord: function(record, img, successValidate, errorValidate) {
        exec(successValidate, errorValidate, "ValidicMobile", "submitRecord", [record, img]);
     * Submits an array of records to the Validic backend
     * @param {Record[]} records - Array of records to be submitted.
     * @param {function} successValidate - Callback acknowledging record submission.
     * @param {FailCallback} errorValidate - Invoked on submission error. Invalid parameters, etc.
    submitRecords: function(records, successValidate, errorValidate) {
        exec(successValidate, errorValidate, "ValidicMobile", "submitRecords", [records]);
     * Indicates there is an active Session with a user
     * @param {IsActiveCallback} success - Callback function indicating whether an active session is available
    isSessionActive: function(success) {
        exec(success, null, "ValidicMobile", "isSessionActive", []);
     * returns a string representation of the sdk version. 1.3 currently.
     * @param {VersionCallback} success - Callback passed the version number of the native library the plugin is 
     * interacting with.
    getVersion: function(success) {
        exec(success, null, "ValidicMobile", "getVersion", []);