VLDHealthKitManager Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in VLDHealthKitManager.h


VLDHealthKitManager is the Validic Mobile interface for all HealthKit operations. VLDHealthKitManager is a singleton object that must be accessed through the sharedInstance method. Like the other components of the Validic Mobile library, VLDHealthKitManager requires a valid user session in the VLDSession singleton.

VLDHealthKitManager can upload new records as they come in. Listening for new records is done by adding subscriptions for the desired sample types. This will automatically prompt the user for permission and setup background notifications for new data.

Background delivery will happen on an hourly basis if new data is available. This will result in the data being uploaded in the background throughout the day. For background delivery to be successful you must call observeCurrentSubscriptions from your application delegate’s application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: callback.


When VLDHealthKitManager queues records for upload it will send an NSNotification. To listen for this notification add an observer to the NSNotificationCenter with the constant kVLDHealthKitRecordsProcessedNotification. The userInfo dictionary for this notification will contain two keys, recordType and count. recordType will contain an NSNumber representing the integer value of the VLDRecordType enum and count will contain the number of records that were processed.

+ sharedInstance

sharedInstance returns the VLDHealthKitManager singleton and should be the only way VLDHealthKitManager is accessed.

+ (instancetype _Nonnull)sharedInstance


sharedInstance returns the VLDHealthKitManager singleton and should be the only way VLDHealthKitManager is accessed.

Declared In


– setSubscriptions:completion:

Requests permission for and begins listening to HealthKit data for the specified subscriptions.

- (void)setSubscriptions:(NSArray<__kindofHKSampleType*> *_Nullable)subscriptions completion:(nullable void ( ^ ) ( ))completion



An array of HKSampleType objects for VLDHealthKitManager to listen for and upload


A completion block that gets called once authorization for access to the sample types is completed


Requests permission for and begins listening to HealthKit data for the specified subscriptions.

The added subscriptions are saved to the VLDSession object and persisted through the life of the session. The completion block is called once the permission screen has been dismissed or immediately if permission had been previously requested.

Declared In


– subscriptions

Returns the list of HKSampleTypes that are currently being listened for.

- (NSArray<__kindofHKSampleType*> *_Nullable)subscriptions


Returns the list of HKSampleTypes that are currently being listened for.

Declared In


– observeCurrentSubscriptions

This restores the handlers for background delivery. This method must be called immediately when the app launches.

- (void)observeCurrentSubscriptions


This restores the handlers for background delivery. This method must be called immediately when the app launches.

Declared In


– fetchHistoricalSets:completion:

Fetch historical records of the specified sets.

- (void)fetchHistoricalSets:(NSArray<__kindofNSNumber*> *_Nonnull)historicalSets completion:(nullable void ( ^ ) ( NSDictionary *_Nullable results , NSError *_Nullable error ))completion



The historical sets are specified as an NSArray of NSNumbers wrapping VLDHealthKitHistoricalSet enum values. Example: @[@(VLDHealthKitHistoricalSetRoutine), @(VLDHealthKitHistoricalSetFitness)]


Completion block is passed a dictionary with the count of records processed keyed by VLDRecordType enum wrapped as NSNumber. If an errors occurs, an NSError object is provided.


Fetch historical records of the specified sets.

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– fetchLatestData

Queries HealthKit for the latest data.

- (void)fetchLatestData


Queries HealthKit for the latest data.

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