VLDOCRResult Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in VLDOCRResult.h


Live results from performing OCR.


A string with the live OCR results which can be displayed to the user. This helps the user identity if any characters are not being recognized.

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *resultString


A string with the live OCR results which can be displayed to the user. This helps the user identity if any characters are not being recognized.

Declared In



The image that was processed and produced the resultString. This can be useful for diagnostic purposes to ensure the correct portion of the camera preview is being processed for OCR.

@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage *image


The image that was processed and produced the resultString. This can be useful for diagnostic purposes to ensure the correct portion of the camera preview is being processed for OCR.

Declared In



An array of VLDGlareArea objects. This can be used to indicate to the user where glare is being detected in the peripheral screen and obstructing the OCR process.

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray<VLDGlareArea*> *glare


An array of VLDGlareArea objects. This can be used to indicate to the user where glare is being detected in the peripheral screen and obstructing the OCR process.

Declared In
