
Class Routine

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Routine
    extends Record implements Serializable

    Activities that occur regularly throughout the day, without the specific goal of exercise, for example calories burned and consumed, steps taken, stairs climbed. These activities are aggregate throughout the day.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Routine() Activities that occur regularly throughout the day, without the specific goal of exercise, for examplecalories burned andconsumed, steps taken, stairs climbed.
      Routine(Peripheral peripheral) Base class for all objects that represent health records initialized with a BluetoothPeripheral.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      BigDecimal getSteps() Number of steps taken during routine
      void setSteps(BigDecimal steps) Number of steps taken during routine
      BigDecimal getDistance() The value of the measured quantity in meters
      void setDistance(BigDecimal distance) The value of the measured quantity in meters
      BigDecimal getFloors() The value of the measured quantity
      void setFloors(BigDecimal floors) The value of the measured quantity
      BigDecimal getElevation() Elevation climbed in meters
      void setElevation(BigDecimal elevation) Elevation climbed in meters
      BigDecimal getCaloriesBurned() Calories burned during fitness activity
      void setCaloriesBurned(BigDecimal caloriesBurned) Calories burned during fitness activity
      BigDecimal getActiveDuration()
      void setActiveDuration(BigDecimal activeDuration) Duration in seconds of activity
      • Methods inherited from class

        createSummary, getActivityID, getComment, getExtra, getExtras, getHashedString, getIdentifier, getIntermediarySource, getLastUpdated, getMedia, getOriginalSource, getPeripheral, getQueueId, getRecordID, getRecordType, getSource, getSourceName, getSourcePeripheral, getTimestamp, getUtcOffset, getValidated, isSHealthRecord, newRecordFromPeripheral, newRecordWithType, setActivityID, setComment, setHashedActivityId, setIntermediarySource, setLastUpdated, setMedia, setOriginalSource, setPeripheral, setRecordID, setRecordType, setSource, setSourceName, setSourcePeripheral, setTimeStampToMidnight, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setUtcOffset, setValidated
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait