Source: validic-cordova-ble/www/BLE.js

 * Subtype of {@link Peripheral} that represents a Bluetooth Peripheral profile
 * @interface BluetoothPeripheral 
 * @property {boolean} RequiresPairing - Indicates if a peripheral model requires a Bluetooth pairing before it can be used.
 * @property {string} Instruction - Text to be presented to the user when is called.
 * @property {string} ReadingInstruction - Text to be presented to the user when the BLE.ON_READY_TO_READ event is received.
 * @property {string} PairingInstruction - Text to be presented to the user when BLE.pair is called.
 * Callback response from BLE.getPassiveReadPeripheralIDs
 * @callback getPassiveReadPeripheralIDsCallback
 * @property {number[]} peripheralIDs - Array of peripheral IDs that are currently being passively read.
 * Callback for Passive Bluetooth callbacks
 * @callback PassiveBluetoothCallback
 * @property event - Name of the event being returned
 * @property payload - payload of the event
 * @property {number} payload.peripheralID - Id of the peripheral the callback event is related to
 * @property {Record[]} payload.records - Records returned by the passive bluetooth manager
 * @property {string} payload.error - error returned from the passive read failure
 * Passive Bluetooth Options
 * @interface PassiveBluetoothOptions
 * @property {Number[]} peripheralIDs - Array of peripheral IDs to scan for
 * @property {NotificationOptions} notificationOptions

 * @exports BLE
 * Represents Validic Bluetooth functionality
exports.BLE = {

 * Bluetooth event names that can be subscribed to for using window.addEventListener to receive bluetooth events.
 * @enum {string}
EventName : {
    ON_PAIR_SUCCESS: "validicOnPairSuccessful",
    ON_PAIR_FAIL: "validicOnPairFailed",
    ON_PAIR_START: "validicOnPairingStarted",
    ON_READ_SUCCESS: "validicOnReadSuccessful",
    ON_READ_FAIL: "validicOnReadFailed",
    ON_READY_TO_READ: "validicOnReadyToRead",
    ON_READ_CANCEL: "validicOnReadCancelled",
    ON_PASSIVE_DID_READ: "validicOnBluetoothPassiveDidRead",
    ON_PASSIVE_DID_FAIL: "validicOnBluetoothPassiveDidFail",
    ON_PASSIVE_DID_CANCEL: "validicOnBluetoothPassiveDidCancel",
    ON_PASSIVE_READY_TO_READ: "validicOnBluetoothPassiveIsReadyToRead"

 * Gets an array of supported peripherals for use with bluetooth.
 * @param {PeripheralsCallback} success - Callback function containing an array of peripheral devices.
getSupportedPeripherals : function(success) {
    cordova.exec(success, null, "ValidicMobileBLE", "BLE_getSupportedPeripherals", []);
 * Gets an array of supported peripherals matching a peripheral type.
 * @param {number} type - Type of peripheral to return list for. See ValidicMobile.PeripheralType.
 * @param {PeripheralsOfTypeCallback} success -  Callback function containing an array of all peripherals matching given type.
 * @param {FailCallback} error callback function indicating invalid type.
 * */
getPeripheralsOfType : function(type, success, error) {
    cordova.exec(success, error, "ValidicMobileBLE", "BLE_getPeripheralsOfType", [type]);
 * Gets information about a peripheral with a given id.
 * @param {number} id - Id of peripheral to retrieve information about.
 * @param {PeripheralCallback} success - Callback function including peripheral information.
 * @param {FailCallback} error - Callback function indicating an error trying to receive info about peripheral or if id is not an integer.
getPeripheral : function(id, success, error) {
    cordova.exec(success, error, "ValidicMobileBLE", "BLE_getPeripheral", [id]);
 * Pairs a bluetooth device.
 * @param id {number} id of the device to pair with.
 * @param {EventCallback} success - All bluetooth pair success methods flow through this callback.
 * @param {EventCallback} fail - All bluetooth pair failure/cancel methods flow through this callback.
pair : function(id, success, fail) {
    var successful = function(obj) {
        if (success != null && success != 'undefined') {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty("event")) {
            cordova.fireWindowEvent(obj.event, obj.payload);
    var error = function(obj) {
        if (fail != null && fail != 'undefined') {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty("event")) {
            cordova.fireWindowEvent(obj.event, obj.payload);
    cordova.exec(successful, error, "ValidicMobileBLE", "BLE_pair", [id]);
 * Reads from a paired bluetooth device.
 * @param {number} id - Peripheral Id to read from.
 * @param {EventCallback} success - All bluetooth read success callbacks flow through this callback.
 * @param {EventCallback} fail - All bluetooth read fail and cancel callbacks flow through this callback.
read : function(id, success, fail) {
    var successful = function(obj) {
        if (success != null && success != 'undefined') {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty("event")) {
            cordova.fireWindowEvent(obj.event, obj.payload);
    var error = function(obj) {
        if (fail != null && fail != 'undefined') {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty("event")) {
            cordova.fireWindowEvent(obj.event, obj.payload);
    cordova.exec(successful, error, "ValidicMobileBLE", "BLE_read", [id]);
 *  Cancels a bluetooth reading or pairing. Listeners should receive an onReadCancel event after cancelling
 *  reading or pairing.
cancel : function() {
    cordova.exec(null, null, "ValidicMobileBLE", "BLE_cancel", []);
 * Indicates a reading is being taken from a paired peripheral.
 * @param {InProgressCallback} success - Callback containing a boolean value containing true when a reading is being taken, otherwise false.
isInProgress : function(success) {
    cordova.exec(success, null, "ValidicMobileBLE", "BLE_inProgress", []);
 * Set list of Bluetooth peripheral IDs which should be passively read. Once set, the library will listen for and read from
 * these devices when the app is in foreground or background. 
 * To stop passive Bluetooth read, pass an empty array of IDs or null.
 * @param {PassiveBluetoothOptions} params - Options for passive Bluetooth Scanning. For 
 * @param {Object} success - 
 * @param {FailCallback} error - Invalid parameters were given.
setPassiveReadPeripheralIDs : function(params, success, error) {
    cordova.exec(success, error, "ValidicMobileBLE", "BLE_setPassiveReadPeripheralIDs", [params]);
 * @param {getPassiveReadPeripheralIDsCallback} success - Response containing array of currently subscribed sample types.
getPassiveReadPeripheralIDs : function(success) {
    cordova.exec(success, null, "ValidicMobileBLE", "BLE_getPassiveReadPeripheralIDs", []);
 * Registers listener for passive bluetooth read events. It is recommended to use event listeners instead.
 * @param {PassiveBluetoothCallback} success - Function invoked when passive bluetooth records have been processed and submitted
 *   or when peripheral becomes ready to read.
 * @param {PassiveBluetoothCallback} fail - Function invoked when passive bluetooth read is attempted but fails.
setBluetoothPassiveListener : function(success, fail) {
    var successful = function(obj) {
        if (success != null && success != 'undefined') {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty("event")) {
            cordova.fireWindowEvent(obj.event, obj.payload);
    var error = function(obj) {
        if (fail != null && fail != 'undefined') {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty("event")) {
            cordova.fireWindowEvent(obj.event, obj.payload);
    cordova.exec(successful, error, "ValidicMobileBLE", "BLE_setBluetoothPassiveListener", []);