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generateAdditionalRequest(String,Cursor) - function in com.validic.mobile.shealth.SHealthResultParserNutrition
Most data types are self contained.
getAbortBroadcast() - function in android.content.SHealthServiceStopReceiver
getCause() - function in com.validic.mobile.shealth.SHealthException
getConnectionErrorResult() - function in com.validic.mobile.shealth.SHealthException
getCurrentSubscriptions() - function in com.validic.mobile.shealth.SHealthManager
getDataTypes() - function in com.validic.mobile.shealth.SHealthSubscription.SHealthHistoricalSet
getDebugUnregister() - function in android.content.SHealthServiceStopReceiver
getInstance() - function in com.validic.mobile.shealth.SHealthManager.Companion
getLocalizedMessage() - function in kotlin.SHealthException
getMessage() - function in com.validic.mobile.shealth.SHealthException
getNotificationParams() - function in com.validic.mobile.shealth.SHealthManager
getObserverListener() - function in com.validic.mobile.shealth.SHealthManager
Register an observer for when subscriptions start and stop potentially due to the OS managing resources.
getResultCode() - function in android.content.SHealthServiceStopReceiver
getResultData() - function in android.content.SHealthServiceStopReceiver
getResultExtras(boolean) - function in android.content.SHealthServiceStopReceiver
getSHealthError() - function in com.validic.mobile.shealth.SHealthException
getSHealthListener() - function in com.validic.mobile.shealth.SHealthManager
Register to receive events from SHealth.
getStackTrace() - function in kotlin.SHealthException
getSupportedSHealthDataTypes() - function in com.validic.mobile.shealth.SHealthSubscription
Returns all SHealth data types supported by the Validic Mobile library.
getSupportedSHealthDataTypes(Context) - function in com.validic.mobile.shealth.SHealthSubscription
Returns only SHealth data types that you have registered in your manifest that the library supports.
getSuppressed() - function in kotlin.SHealthException
goAsync() - function in android.content.SHealthServiceStopReceiver
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