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saveBitmapToPrivateStorage(Context,Bitmap) - function in com.validic.common.BitmapUtil
Stores the bitmap to private storage with a randomly generated name and returns the File object that it was stored in.
saveBitmapToStorage(Bitmap,String) - function in com.validic.common.BitmapUtil
Save bitmap to SD card for later reference - only use this for debugging, since doing this in real time OCR situations is prohibitively slow
serializer(SessionDataFileSerializer) - function in com.validic.mobile.Configuration.Builder
Session - class in com.validic.mobile
The Session class stores a User and all pending Record uploads.
Session.SessionConnectionListener - class in com.validic.mobile.Session
Listener for a Session starting or ending
SessionDataFileSerializer - class in com.validic.mobile
Serialize and deserialize the Session data to an internal file.
SessionListener - class in com.validic.mobile
The SessionListener provides callbacks for the result of session events for records.
set2DigitYearStart(Date) - function in java.text.DateHelper.TestLocalDateFormatter
setActiveDuration(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
Duration in seconds of activity
setActivityCategory(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
setActivityID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.ErrorResponse
setActivityID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Activity record id
setActivityID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
Activity record id
setActivityID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
Activity record id
setActivityID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Activity record id
setActivityID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
Activity record id
setActivityID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Activity record id
setActivityID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Record
Activity record id
setActivityID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
Activity record id
setActivityID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
Activity record id
setAwake(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Seconds awake during recording
setBloodCalcium(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setBloodChromium(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setBloodFolicAcid(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setBloodGlucose(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL
setBloodGlucoseWithUnit(BigDecimal,Unit.Glucose) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
Set the glucose value of the record after converting from the specified com.validic.mobile.record.Unit.Glucose to mg/dl
setBloodMagnesium(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setBloodPotassium(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setBloodSodium(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setBloodVitaminB12(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setBloodZinc(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setBmi(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
The value of the measured quantity
setByteArray(Array,Array) - function in com.validic.common.ByteUtil
setCalendar(Calendar) - function in java.text.DateHelper.TestLocalDateFormatter
setCalories(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Calories burned during fitness activity
setCalories(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Calories consumed per food intake
setCaloriesBurned(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
Calories burned during fitness activity
setCarbohydrates(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Grams of carbohydrates consumed
setCode(Integer) - function in com.validic.mobile.ErrorResponse
setComment(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Store a comment associated with a record
setComment(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
Store a comment associated with a record
setComment(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
Store a comment associated with a record
setComment(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Store a comment associated with a record
setComment(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
Store a comment associated with a record
setComment(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Store a comment associated with a record
setComment(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Record
Store a comment associated with a record
setComment(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
Store a comment associated with a record
setComment(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
Store a comment associated with a record
setcPeptide(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
The value of the measured quantity in ng/mL
setCreatineKinase(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setCreator(Function1) - function in com.validic.common.SingletonHolder
setCrp(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setDataForBluetoothPeripheral(Integer,ConcurrentHashMap) - function in com.validic.mobile.Session
set the stashed data for this peripheral ID e.g.
setDataPoints(List) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
setDate(int) - function in java.util.LocalDate
setDateFormatSymbols(DateFormatSymbols) - function in java.text.DateHelper.TestLocalDateFormatter
setDeep(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Deep sleep in seconds
setDiastolic(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setDistance(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Distance in meters
setDistance(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
The value of the measured quantity in meters
setDuration(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Duration of fitness activity in seconds
setElevation(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
Elevation climbed in meters
setEndTime(ZonedDateTime) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday.IntradayRange
setErrors(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.ErrorResponse
setEvent(Diabetes.Event) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
Set the diabetes event associated with this reading.
setFastingPlasmaGlucoseTest(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL
setFat(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Grams of fat consumed
setFatPercent(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
The value of the measured quantity
setFerritin(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setFiber(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Grams of fiber consumed
setFloors(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
The value of the measured quantity
setForegroundAsync(ForegroundInfo) - function in androidx.work.MediaWorker
setForegroundAsync(ForegroundInfo) - function in androidx.work.RecordWorker
setFreeMass(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
The value of the measured quantity in kg
setHashedActivityId(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Hashes and Base64 encodes the passed value before setting it.
setHashedActivityId(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
Hashes and Base64 encodes the passed value before setting it.
setHashedActivityId(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
Hashes and Base64 encodes the passed value before setting it.
setHashedActivityId(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Hashes and Base64 encodes the passed value before setting it.
setHashedActivityId(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
Hashes and Base64 encodes the passed value before setting it.
setHashedActivityId(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Hashes and Base64 encodes the passed value before setting it.
setHashedActivityId(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Record
Hashes and Base64 encodes the passed value before setting it.
setHashedActivityId(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
Hashes and Base64 encodes the passed value before setting it.
setHashedActivityId(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
Hashes and Base64 encodes the passed value before setting it.
setHba1c(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
The value of the measured quantity in %
setHdl(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setHeight(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
The value of the measured quantity in cm
setHours(int) - function in java.util.LocalDate
setHscrp(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setIl6(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setInstance(T) - function in com.validic.common.SingletonHolder
setInsulin(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
The value of the measured quantity in U
setIntensity(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Subjective intensity with which an activity was performed.
setIntermediarySource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Sets the name of the library technology used to create the record (eg "ValidicMobile Bluetooth", "ValidicMobile Apple Health")
setIntermediarySource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
Sets the name of the library technology used to create the record (eg "ValidicMobile Bluetooth", "ValidicMobile Apple Health")
setIntermediarySource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
Sets the name of the library technology used to create the record (eg "ValidicMobile Bluetooth", "ValidicMobile Apple Health")
setIntermediarySource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Sets the name of the library technology used to create the record (eg "ValidicMobile Bluetooth", "ValidicMobile Apple Health")
setIntermediarySource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
Sets the name of the library technology used to create the record (eg "ValidicMobile Bluetooth", "ValidicMobile Apple Health")
setIntermediarySource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Sets the name of the library technology used to create the record (eg "ValidicMobile Bluetooth", "ValidicMobile Apple Health")
setIntermediarySource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Record
Sets the name of the library technology used to create the record (eg "ValidicMobile Bluetooth", "ValidicMobile Apple Health")
setIntermediarySource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
Sets the name of the library technology used to create the record (eg "ValidicMobile Bluetooth", "ValidicMobile Apple Health")
setIntermediarySource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
Sets the name of the library technology used to create the record (eg "ValidicMobile Bluetooth", "ValidicMobile Apple Health")
setIntradayDevice(Intraday.IntradayDevice) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
setLastUpdated(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Date and time when the measurement set was last updated
setLastUpdated(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
Date and time when the measurement set was last updated
setLastUpdated(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
Date and time when the measurement set was last updated
setLastUpdated(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Date and time when the measurement set was last updated
setLastUpdated(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
Date and time when the measurement set was last updated
setLastUpdated(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Date and time when the measurement set was last updated
setLastUpdated(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Record
Date and time when the measurement set was last updated
setLastUpdated(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
Date and time when the measurement set was last updated
setLastUpdated(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
Date and time when the measurement set was last updated
setLdl(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setLenient(boolean) - function in java.text.DateHelper.TestLocalDateFormatter
setLight(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Light sleep in seconds
setLogger(ValidicLog.Logger) - function in com.validic.common.ValidicLog
Set a custom logger implementation, set it to {@code null} to use default logcat logging.
setLogLevel(int) - function in com.validic.common.ValidicLog
Update the log level
setMassWeight(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
The value of the measured quantity in kg
setMaxHeartRate(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setMealRelationship(Diabetes.MealRelationship) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
Set when the reading was taken in relation to food consumption.
setMeanArterialPressure(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setMedia(Array) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
setMedia(Array) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
setMedia(Array) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
setMedia(Array) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
setMedia(Array) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
setMedia(Array) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
setMedia(Array) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Record
setMedia(Array) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
setMedia(Array) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setMedianHeartRate(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setMessage(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.ErrorResponse
setMinHeartRate(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setMinutes(int) - function in java.util.LocalDate
setMonth(int) - function in java.util.LocalDate
setNextTag(String) - function in com.validic.common.ValidicLog
setNumberFormat(NumberFormat) - function in java.text.DateHelper.TestLocalDateFormatter
setOralGlucoseToleranceTest(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL
setOriginalSource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Sets the name of the Peripheral manufacturer; for records sourced from Samsung Health, this will be the name of the application that originally wrote the data to Samsung Health.
setOriginalSource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
Sets the name of the Peripheral manufacturer; for records sourced from Samsung Health, this will be the name of the application that originally wrote the data to Samsung Health.
setOriginalSource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
Sets the name of the Peripheral manufacturer; for records sourced from Samsung Health, this will be the name of the application that originally wrote the data to Samsung Health.
setOriginalSource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Sets the name of the Peripheral manufacturer; for records sourced from Samsung Health, this will be the name of the application that originally wrote the data to Samsung Health.
setOriginalSource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
Sets the name of the Peripheral manufacturer; for records sourced from Samsung Health, this will be the name of the application that originally wrote the data to Samsung Health.
setOriginalSource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Sets the name of the Peripheral manufacturer; for records sourced from Samsung Health, this will be the name of the application that originally wrote the data to Samsung Health.
setOriginalSource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Record
Sets the name of the Peripheral manufacturer; for records sourced from Samsung Health, this will be the name of the application that originally wrote the data to Samsung Health.
setOriginalSource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
Sets the name of the Peripheral manufacturer; for records sourced from Samsung Health, this will be the name of the application that originally wrote the data to Samsung Health.
setOriginalSource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
Sets the name of the Peripheral manufacturer; for records sourced from Samsung Health, this will be the name of the application that originally wrote the data to Samsung Health.
setOutOfRange(Diabetes.OutOfRange) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
Sets whether the glucose reading reported out of range.
setPeripheral(Peripheral) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
setPeripheral(Peripheral) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
setPeripheral(Peripheral) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
setPeripheral(Peripheral) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
setPeripheral(Peripheral) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
setPeripheral(Peripheral) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
setPeripheral(Peripheral) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Record
setPeripheral(Peripheral) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
setPeripheral(Peripheral) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setProgressAsync(Data) - function in androidx.work.MediaWorker
setProgressAsync(Data) - function in androidx.work.RecordWorker
setProtein(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Grams of protein consumed
setRandomPlasmaGlucoseTest(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL
setRange(Intraday.IntradayRange) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
setRecordID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Unique identifier of the data
setRecordID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
Unique identifier of the data
setRecordID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
Unique identifier of the data
setRecordID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Unique identifier of the data
setRecordID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
Unique identifier of the data
setRecordID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Unique identifier of the data
setRecordID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Record
Unique identifier of the data
setRecordID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
Unique identifier of the data
setRecordID(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
Unique identifier of the data
setRecordType(Record.RecordType) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Which of the various records is being instantiated.
setRecordType(Record.RecordType) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
Which of the various records is being instantiated.
setRecordType(Record.RecordType) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
Which of the various records is being instantiated.
setRecordType(Record.RecordType) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Which of the various records is being instantiated.
setRecordType(Record.RecordType) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
Which of the various records is being instantiated.
setRecordType(Record.RecordType) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Which of the various records is being instantiated.
setRecordType(Record.RecordType) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Record
Which of the various records is being instantiated.
setRecordType(Record.RecordType) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
Which of the various records is being instantiated.
setRecordType(Record.RecordType) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
Which of the various records is being instantiated.
setRem(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Rapid eye movement in seconds
setRestingHeartrate(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setRunInForeground(boolean) - function in androidx.work.MediaWorker
setRunInForeground(boolean) - function in androidx.work.RecordWorker
setSeconds(int) - function in java.util.LocalDate
setSessionListener(SessionListener) - function in com.validic.mobile.Session
Sets the SessionListener
setSilencedCallbacks(boolean) - function in com.validic.mobile.Session
Boolean to not send callbacks to the listener
setSodium(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Grams of sodium consumed
setSource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
The short name of the application that recorded the activity
setSource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
The short name of the application that recorded the activity
setSource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
The short name of the application that recorded the activity
setSource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
The short name of the application that recorded the activity
setSource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
The short name of the application that recorded the activity
setSource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
The short name of the application that recorded the activity
setSource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Record
The short name of the application that recorded the activity
setSource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
The short name of the application that recorded the activity
setSource(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
The short name of the application that recorded the activity
setSourceName(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
The display name of the application that recorded the activity
setSourceName(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
The display name of the application that recorded the activity
setSourceName(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
The display name of the application that recorded the activity
setSourceName(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
The display name of the application that recorded the activity
setSourceName(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
The display name of the application that recorded the activity
setSourceName(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
The display name of the application that recorded the activity
setSourceName(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Record
The display name of the application that recorded the activity
setSourceName(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
The display name of the application that recorded the activity
setSourceName(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
The display name of the application that recorded the activity
setSourcePeripheral(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Sets the model number of the peripheral, for records sourced from Samsung Health this will be the package name of the application that originally wrote the data to Samsung Health.
setSourcePeripheral(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
Sets the model number of the peripheral, for records sourced from Samsung Health this will be the package name of the application that originally wrote the data to Samsung Health.
setSourcePeripheral(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
Sets the model number of the peripheral, for records sourced from Samsung Health this will be the package name of the application that originally wrote the data to Samsung Health.
setSourcePeripheral(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Sets the model number of the peripheral, for records sourced from Samsung Health this will be the package name of the application that originally wrote the data to Samsung Health.
setSourcePeripheral(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
Sets the model number of the peripheral, for records sourced from Samsung Health this will be the package name of the application that originally wrote the data to Samsung Health.
setSourcePeripheral(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Sets the model number of the peripheral, for records sourced from Samsung Health this will be the package name of the application that originally wrote the data to Samsung Health.
setSourcePeripheral(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Record
Sets the model number of the peripheral, for records sourced from Samsung Health this will be the package name of the application that originally wrote the data to Samsung Health.
setSourcePeripheral(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
Sets the model number of the peripheral, for records sourced from Samsung Health this will be the package name of the application that originally wrote the data to Samsung Health.
setSourcePeripheral(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
Sets the model number of the peripheral, for records sourced from Samsung Health this will be the package name of the application that originally wrote the data to Samsung Health.
setSpo2(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setStackTrace(Array) - function in java.lang.PackageAccessException
setStackTrace(Array) - function in java.lang.InvalidUserException
setStartTime(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Timestamp of when fitness activity started in ISO08601 format
setStartTime(ZonedDateTime) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday.IntradayRange
setSteps(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
Number of steps taken during routine
setSystolic(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setTemperature(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setTemperatureWithUnit(BigDecimal,Unit.Temperature) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
Set the temperature value of the record after converting from the specified com.validic.mobile.record.Unit.Temperature to degrees Celsius
setTestosterone(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setTime(long) - function in java.util.LocalDate
setTimestamp(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Timestamp for the measurement
setTimestamp(Date,TimeZone) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Timestamp for the measurement
setTimestamp(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
Timestamp for the measurement
setTimestamp(Date,TimeZone) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
Timestamp for the measurement
setTimestamp(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
Timestamp for the measurement
setTimestamp(Date,TimeZone) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
Timestamp for the measurement
setTimestamp(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Timestamp for the measurement
setTimestamp(Date,TimeZone) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Timestamp for the measurement
setTimestamp(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
Timestamp for the measurement
setTimestamp(Date,TimeZone) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
Timestamp for the measurement
setTimestamp(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Timestamp for the measurement
setTimestamp(Date,TimeZone) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Timestamp for the measurement
setTimestamp(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Record
Timestamp for the measurement
setTimestamp(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
Timestamp for the measurement
setTimestamp(Date,TimeZone) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
Timestamp for the measurement
setTimestamp(Date) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
Timestamp for the measurement
setTimestamp(Date,TimeZone) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
Timestamp for the measurement
setTimeStampToMidnight(Date,TimeZone) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
setTimeStampToMidnight(Date,TimeZone) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
setTimeStampToMidnight(Date,TimeZone) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
setTimeStampToMidnight(Date,TimeZone) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
setTimeStampToMidnight(Date,TimeZone) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
setTimeStampToMidnight(Date,TimeZone) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
setTimeStampToMidnight(Date,TimeZone) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Record
setTimeStampToMidnight(Date,TimeZone) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
setTimeStampToMidnight(Date,TimeZone) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setTimesWoken(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Number of times woken during sleep recording
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - function in java.text.DateHelper.TestLocalDateFormatter
setTitle(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Meal consumed: Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner
setTotalCholesterol(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setTotalSleep(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Total number of sleep seconds
setTriglyceride(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
The value of the measured quantity in mg/dL
setTsh(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setType(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Type of fitness activity: Walking, Running, Swimming, etc.
setUricAcid(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setUsed() - function in androidx.work.MediaWorker
setUsed() - function in androidx.work.RecordWorker
setUtcOffset(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Timezone information for the measurement set formatted as +/-HH:MM
setUtcOffset(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
Timezone information for the measurement set formatted as +/-HH:MM
setUtcOffset(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
Timezone information for the measurement set formatted as +/-HH:MM
setUtcOffset(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Timezone information for the measurement set formatted as +/-HH:MM
setUtcOffset(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
Timezone information for the measurement set formatted as +/-HH:MM
setUtcOffset(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Timezone information for the measurement set formatted as +/-HH:MM
setUtcOffset(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Record
Timezone information for the measurement set formatted as +/-HH:MM
setUtcOffset(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
Timezone information for the measurement set formatted as +/-HH:MM
setUtcOffset(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
Timezone information for the measurement set formatted as +/-HH:MM
setValidated(Boolean) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
Set to false if the user has manually altered the record.
setValidated(Boolean) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
Set to false if the user has manually altered the record.
setValidated(Boolean) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes
Set to false if the user has manually altered the record.
setValidated(Boolean) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Fitness
Set to false if the user has manually altered the record.
setValidated(Boolean) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Intraday
Set to false if the user has manually altered the record.
setValidated(Boolean) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Set to false if the user has manually altered the record.
setValidated(Boolean) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Record
Set to false if the user has manually altered the record.
setValidated(Boolean) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Routine
Set to false if the user has manually altered the record.
setValidated(Boolean) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
Set to false if the user has manually altered the record.
setValue(Object,KProperty,T) - function in com.validic.common.WeakReferenceDelegate
setVitaminD(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setWater(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Nutrition
Milliliters of water consumed
setWeight(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
The value of the measured quantity in kg
setWeightWithUnit(BigDecimal,Unit.Weight) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Weight
Set the weight value of the record after converting from the specified com.validic.mobile.record.Unit.Weight to kilograms
setWhiteCellCount(BigDecimal) - function in com.validic.mobile.record.Biometrics
setYear(int) - function in java.util.LocalDate
SHEALTH - enum entry in com.validic.mobile.Peripheral.ConnectionType
SICK - enum entry in com.validic.mobile.record.Diabetes.Event

Reading was taken while sick.

SingletonHolder - class in com.validic.common
Sleep - class in com.validic.mobile.record
Measurements related to the length of time spent in various sleep cycles, as well as number of times woken during the night.
Sleep - enum entry in com.validic.mobile.record.Record.RecordType
Sleep.Stage - class in com.validic.mobile.record.Sleep
startSessionWithUser(User) - function in com.validic.mobile.Session
Starts a new session with the specified User.
startWork() - function in androidx.work.MediaWorker
startWork() - function in androidx.work.RecordWorker
Stones - enum entry in com.validic.mobile.record.Unit.Weight

Weight in stones

stop() - function in androidx.work.MediaWorker
stop() - function in androidx.work.RecordWorker
submitRecord(Record) - function in com.validic.mobile.Session
Queues a Record for submission.
submitRecord(Record,Bitmap) - function in com.validic.mobile.Session
Queues a Record and associated android.graphics.Bitmap for submission.
submitRecords(Collection) - function in com.validic.mobile.Session
Queues a collection of Record objects for submission.
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