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PairingFailure - enum entry in com.validic.mobile.ble.BluetoothError

Indicates that the peripheral was not paired

pairPeripheral(BluetoothPeripheral,BluetoothPeripheralControllerListener) - function in com.validic.mobile.ble.BluetoothPeripheralController
Scans for a BluetoothPeripheral and enqueues a PairRequest to the first BluetoothDevice it finds
PairRequest - class in com.validic.mobile.ble
Request to Connect and Pair with a device.
PairResult - class in com.validic.mobile.ble
Result from attempting to pair with a BluetoothDevice using a BluetoothPeripheral profile
parseFromBytes(Array) - function in com.validic.mobile.ble.CompatScanRecord
Parse scan record bytes to CompatScanRecord.
PassiveBluetoothManager - class in com.validic.mobile.ble
This class enables passive monitoring of BluetoothPeripheral.
PassiveBluetoothManager.BluetoothListener - class in com.validic.mobile.ble.PassiveBluetoothManager
The PassiveManager.BluetoothListener provides callbacks for peripheral monitoring bluetooth peripherals in the background.
PassiveBluetoothManager.Companion - class in com.validic.mobile.ble.PassiveBluetoothManager
printStackTrace() - function in kotlin.ValidicBluetoothException
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - function in kotlin.ValidicBluetoothException
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - function in kotlin.ValidicBluetoothException
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