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ScanRequest - class in com.validic.mobile.ble
Scan for a BluetoothDevice that matches a BluetoothPeripheral and return the first instance of BluetoothDevice that matches the profile and satisfies the criteria of the ScanFilter if provided
setBluetoothListener(PassiveBluetoothManager.BluetoothListener) - function in com.validic.mobile.ble.PassiveBluetoothManager
Set a listener for events in the background.
setCause(Throwable) - function in com.validic.mobile.ble.ValidicBluetoothException
setOnCompleted(OnCompleteHandler) - function in com.validic.mobile.ble.BluetoothRequest
setOnCompleted(OnCompleteHandler) - function in com.validic.mobile.ble.ScanRequest
setOnCompleted(OnCompleteHandler) - function in com.validic.mobile.ble.PairRequest
setOnCompleted(OnCompleteHandler) - function in com.validic.mobile.ble.ReadRequest
setOnCompleted(OnCompleteHandler) - function in com.validic.mobile.ble.MonitorDeviceRequest
setOnStart(OnStartHandler) - function in com.validic.mobile.ble.BluetoothRequest
setOnStart(OnStartHandler) - function in com.validic.mobile.ble.ScanRequest
setOnStart(OnStartHandler) - function in com.validic.mobile.ble.PairRequest
setOnStart(OnStartHandler) - function in com.validic.mobile.ble.ReadRequest
setOnStart(OnStartHandler) - function in com.validic.mobile.ble.MonitorDeviceRequest
setPassivePeripherals(Set) - function in com.validic.mobile.ble.PassiveBluetoothManager
setPinString(String) - function in com.validic.mobile.ble.BluetoothPeripheral
Set the pinString for peripherals requiring it
setStackTrace(Array) - function in kotlin.ValidicBluetoothException
SimpleBluetoothPeripheralControllerListener - class in com.validic.mobile.ble
The SimpleBluetoothControllerListener class is a default implementation of the BluetoothPeripheralControllerListener.
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